Instagram Ads: Manage Your Social Ads Easily From One Place Pt. 2

instagram ads instagram ads

With Instagram Ads, you can build comprehensive campaigns for customers at every point in the funnel. Using this channel can help your business boost visibility and sales in parallel. If you are still not utilizing Instagram ads for your business, here are three good reasons to start. 

1. Instagram Ads is fully integrated with Facebook Ads. 

This means that you can take advantage of Facebook’s campaign customization tools, different formatting options, and a wide range of targeting options. You don’t just have the option to boost your successful organic Instagram posts, but you can build fully functional campaigns to target potential clients at all stages of the funnel. What’s even better is that you can also use 24SevenSocial Ads to run both your Facebook and Instagram ads campaigns from a single place. 

2. Instagram users are more likely to engage with brands and their ad content. 

According to Yotopo, Instagram users stay on the landing page of a site for an average of 3 minutes. This is 45% longer than visitors from Facebook. They are also 58 times more likely to interact with branded content than Facebook users and 120 times more likely to do so on Instagram than on Twitter.

3. Instagram ads are more attractive to users. 

Yotopo also found that Instagram users are 2.8 times more likely to remember ads from Instagram than ads from any other social network. Not only are they more likely to click on the ad or like it, but they will also remember it better.

Furthermore, 53% of Instagram users follow their favorite brands. Compared to other popular social media sites, Instagram users interact with brands 10 times more than on Facebook, 54 times more than on Pinterest, and 84 times more than on Twitter.

Taking into consideration the points above, we can conclude that many businesses are using Instagram ads to promote their products and services. You should also take advantage of this channel. Today we will show you how to quickly and efficiently run your Instagram ads via 24SevenSocial. You can read our blog here, in case you are also running Facebook ads

See the pro tips & tricks for successful Instagram ad campaigns here.

Here is how to use 24SevenSocial to run successful Instagram ads.

Start by logging into your 24SevenSocial ads account and navigate to “create ads”.

instagram ads 24SevenSocial

The next step is to choose your correct advertising account, name your campaign, and declare any special categories it may fall under. The special categories are a “must-have”, especially if you are planning to run ads for credit, housing, employment, social and political issues, etc. In all other cases, you do not need to declare a special Instagram ad category.

After you have named your campaign, you need to choose the campaign’s objective and conversion location. In this case, we have chosen traffic as the objective and our website as the conversion location.

instagram ads 24SevenSocial

Get creative! 

You are now ready to move to the next part, where you need to create your Instagram ads. Choose your desired Instagram account, which you have already connected to your 24SevenSocial profile. 

You will then have to select your creative type. You can choose from video, carousel ads, or link/photo ads. Input your ad copy, headline, description, and creative in the “creative type” section. In our case, the creative is auto-generated from our website URL, but you are able to easily change it by clicking on the “browse” button and selecting the image you want to use for your ad. For your convenience, we have also added a widget that counts your ad copy symbols. This will help you easily see whether the ad copy’s length is suitable for the channel. Last but not least, choose your desired CTA button. It is very important to run ads that have a call to action button (CTA) as it tells your audience what you need them to do. 

instagram ads 24SevenSocialOnce this is done, you will see the ad preview on the right-hand side of your ad dashboard. It will show you exactly how your ad will be seen by your target audience. 

You can then adjust it to make it perfect. 


instagram ads 24SevenSocial

Instagram Ads’ Target Audience

The 8th step is to define your target audience. You can also choose the location. It can be very specific or very broad. It all depends on your business’s needs. Select the age group and location type. As well as this, you can add some interests that you want your target audience to have expressed. You also have the option to exclude certain locations and add languages to your ads. 

On the right-hand side, you can see your audience definition, which is a forecast of how many people you may reach with your ads. 

instagram ads 24SevenSocial

If you have some saved audiences, email databases, etc., you may add a custom audience to your targeting as well. You are also able to exclude custom audiences, for example, blacklisted email accounts. 

instagram ads 24SevenSocial

📌 See how many targeting options you can choose from using 24SevenSocial Ads.

Finishing Touches

When you finish creating the perfect target group for your Instagram ads, you have to choose the bidding and placement options that best suit the campaign’s needs. 


instagram ads 24SevenSocial

Once you have selected the desired budget, schedule, placement, and optimizations for your campaigns, you are ready to go live. 24SevenSocial Ads gives you the opportunity to send your ad campaigns for review from your clients or your manager. You can also save your campaign as a draft, or hit next to publish your newly designed Instagram ads campaign. 


instagram ads 24SevenSocial

As a final step, before you publish your Instagram ad, you will be presented with a short summary of your campaign’s settings and a few advanced options you can choose from. 

instagram ads 24SevenSocial

Et voila! This is how easy it is to set up, manage, and run your first Instagram ad campaign via 24SevenSocial. If you need some help and guidance on selecting the best possible target groups – read our article here. 

Are you ready to join our growing family yet? Sign up today and get a 14-day free trial of the Ads platform and enjoy all the benefits. See you soon!