Instagram, Instagram ads, News, Products Schedule and Publish Instagram posts from 24SevenSocial February 16, 20182 minutes Kenneth YES! This is finally happening! For a really long time, marketeers have been wanting for a solution to organize their posts to Instagram. We are very happy to announce that a big pain in the butt for marketeers now is history. On 30th January 2018, Facebook announced the biggest Instagram API update so far, only available to Facebook Marketing Partners and Instagram Partners. The most valuable feature is to publish photos in Instagram via API to Instagram Business profiles. And 24SevenSocial Publisher now supports this option! How cool is that? The best part, it’s already live and ready for all our clients through the 24SevenSocial Publisher today (oh, along with a major update to our ad-module, read more here)! For now, direct publishing only works for single image posts and not Stories, Carousels or video. However, a lot of new placement options like these is now available through ads placements. Wait a minute, what does this mean to me as a 24SevenSocial user? Well, basically it means you do not need your mobile to post organic photo-posts to Instagram anymore. Simply create all your posts and schedule them through 24SevenSocial Publisher like you would with a normal Facebook-post. Easy! And a whole lot of fun! Enjoy 🙂