What’s on your mind? Our Publisher will help you get your message out!

We’re on a roll! Today we are continuing our rollout of new products within our Facebook Marketing Platform. This time we’ve worked hard to make it smoother, easier and faster to publish posts on your pages. We are proud to give you… drumrolls!

Publisher – by 24SevenSocial » Create, duplicate and tag your Facebook posts for a smoother publishing experience.

Publisher does not only make it easy to post to your pages – but it does a few other awesome things, like:

  • Targeting your posts location, etc
  • Schedule your posts.
  • Create unpublished posts (for all Power Editor users out there)
  • Duplicating posts in a snap! (Perfect for creating multiple unpublished posts when you test your creatives)
  • Tag your posts, to get segmented stats and data
  • Goals – so you can get tips from us on how to get better results (and stats based on goals)

Create awesomeness on the road
One of the other features we would like to focus on is that the Publisher is of course responsive. That’s right. You can now have full control over your posts and scheduling from your phone! Quality time at the beach this summer is saved! You’re welcome 😉

Power Editor Users – look this way!
Are you a Power Editor user? Getting tired of creating all those variations of your Page Post ads? The new 24SevenSocial Publisher speeds up the process with its Duplicate feature. Create the first Post – with a click of the button the post gets duplicated, do your variation and jump to the next one. You can make as many posts at the same time as you need and it will give you the ability to review them before the actual Post creation.

Now close your eyes and imagine how cool this will be when you can book your ads from here 🙂