Fäcebook in Swedish – what’s it all about?

Hi, I’m Dag.

I’m the swedish sales director for 24SevenSocial. I’m responsible for making sure that our clients are getting the most out of their Facebook marketing by using 24SevenSocial, that they are up to date with all new features and functionality that is launched on a regular basis by Facebook and 24SevenSocial.

I’m the one who you should reach out to if you’re not already using 24SevenSocial to improve your Facebook activities. I’ve got a lot up my sleeve and I’m happy to share our experience and knowledge about Facebook marketing.

Did you know Facebook is quite popular in Sweden? No? It is.

4,3 M Daily users, 3,8 M of them coming from mobile.

5,2 M Monthly users, 4,7 M of them coming from mobile.

Yes – we love our mobile phones in Sweden.

In Sweden – Facebook has matured. I would say that Facebook, and the way that people use Facebook has matured (be aware that this is from my own personal perspective and newsfeed experience….). It’s less babies and Italian landscape images.

On the contrary, we’re seeing more news articles, discussions, and people trying to make a point and statement that more and more have a political or ideological standpoint. But of course, every now and then you’ll have a Stockholm marathon or “Tough Viking” – race, and then the “old” show and what we used to associate Facebook with is all back again for 36hrs or so..

More and more businesses are incorporating Facebook as part of their marketing. One has to appreciate that even if Facebook is becoming increasingly mature among marketing people, the speed that Facebook evolves and is launching new functionality and changes to existing features, is something that a lot of marketing professionals find difficult keeping up with.

And that’s why we, as Marketing Partners to Facebook, are such a great resource. Because we can help them with keeping track of what’s relevant, useful, and necessary to maximise the use of Facebook as a marketing platform.

I get asked what I think the next big thing is when it comes to marketing on Facebook is. It might be more of a wish than an expectation… But I hope and think that that marketing professionals will need to see the whole picture of Facebook as many activities and interactions (Wall post, ads, customer support, apps etc) that all have effect on the totalt result.

If there is one thing I want to leave you with it’s that adapting to change takes time. Even though change sometimes comes quick and unexpected. If you’re able to be persistent and have patience in situations like that, it’s all good in the end.

And by the way – I’ll be present at Stockholm Tech Fest. Come say hi!