Working with Content Marketing in 2016

We’re at Content Marketing Performance conference in Oslo today, hearing great speakers such as Kristjan Mar Hauksson from SMFB Engine and Nina Hariede Larsen from DNB.

The main takeaway from this day is that content marketing is something you can’t ignore – but you have to choose how you want to work with it.

When starting to promote your company on Facebook or any other media platform – you have to offer content that has some sort of value for the audience you reach. On the other hand, you need to define whom you are talking to. Pushing out content without a plan, and without the means to catch the people you reach to bring them further down your funnel is pointless.

So how can you figure out whom your target audience is and how you can reach them? With Facebook and 24SevenSocial you can split test audiences. You can start pretty wide when setting up you ad-audience. Let’s say I’m a local store in Oslo, selling running shoes. I’ll start like this:

I’ve started to target people I know will be interested in my merchandise by segmenting based on interest. This can be people who are interested in running but also interested in the types of brands I sell.

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But as you see, the age segmentation is pretty wide. I could assume what age my potential customers are in – but why assume when I can test? With 24SevenSocial Ads, you can automatically create multiple ad sets that compete against each other to see what gives you the desired effect.

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So now, I have the possibility to see what target group acts on the message I’m about to publish. Let the data define your audience and stop assuming.

We can also splittest based on placement – so you no longer have to assume what works for you? It might be placing ads on the right-hand side, or a combination of mobile newsfeed and Instagram. Test – and that way you know where your ad budget is going and what you’re getting the most back for.

Figuring out what you should build your content around

The first revelation brands have when we talk about our media monitoring tool is to use it for customer service. Of course, using monitoring tools will allow you to connect with your customers across all channels (blogs, forums, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube etc) and respond to questions on the go. But there is so much more to media monitoring:

For content marketing you can crawl forums and other media for topics that interest people – and make sure you can target the right message to your audience with the content you produce.

The communication department could do an analysis on common words mentioned with your brand to see if your brand in positioned where you want it to be – and take action if it’s not.

The commercial aspect will allow you to do research, get ideas, and do trend checks. Whether you are launching a new commercial/campaign or a product you can do research in the active period and then monitor activity after the campaign/commercial is down.

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